What We Do

Watershed management is based on inclusive public engagement, targeted priorities, beneficial outcomes, and sound scientific data.

The Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization’s (VRWJPO) goals are set forth in the Watershed Management Plan. These include pollutant reduction, groundwater conservation, coordination & collaboration, education & outreach, water monitoring, and wildlife protection, to name a few. The basis for the VRWJPO’s decisions include data from our watershed-wide monitoring network, detailed subwatershed assessments, public feedback, and special studies to investigate new or hard-to-resolve problems.

Minnesota statute dictates that all watershed units in the Twin Cities metro area must adopt a watershed management plan. Each Watershed Plan sets goals for the next 10 years. As of fall 2023, the VRWJPO is undertaking stakeholder engagement for the next generation watershed plan.

The VRWJPO submits an annual activity report and financial statement to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) to document accomplishments and outcomes and how tax dollars are spent.